Like many developers, I got into the industry because I liked playing games. As I explored software development further, my focus shifted: I learned that I liked automating things. I found the notion that you could write a few thousand lines of text that could completely automate a job that might have consumed a human life a century ago intoxicating.
This website is named after a cheeky phrase I came up with a few years ago to refer to my passion for automation. In my eyes, the greatest computer program is one that is completely out of sight and out of mind. It automates something tedious or menial in a completely transparent way, such that you start having difficulty imagining how to work without it.
It currently hosts my personal blog. Before being hired by OpenAI, I posted details on personal projects I was working on in the ML space here. Lately the industry has become more secretive and I am thus less able to post technical details or code. I intend to do my best to document the important high-level ideas I run into here.